Enrolling in Medicare if You Turn 65 this Year

How to get started enrolling in Medicare if you turn 65 this year.

Are you turning 65 this year? It’s important to start thinking about Medicare enrollment before your birthday! Your actual Initial Enrollment Period to sign up for Medicare begins three months before you turn 65 and ends three months after you turn 65. You do have seven months to enroll, but if you miss your Initial […]

What is the Difference Between Medicare Supplement & Advantage Plans?

What is the Difference Between a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage Plan?

Becoming an expert on Medicare takes a lot of time and research! There are many different plans, subtle differences in how they work, and different costs. There’s even more to know when it comes to signing up and using your Medicare benefits. One of the big questions we get here at Advanced Benefit Solutions is […]

Your Guide to Texas Health Insurance for the Self-Employed

Your Guide to Texas Health Insurance for the Self-Employed

Being self-employed comes with so many different benefits. You can set your own hours, determine what clients you take on or be choosy about the kind of work you want to do. You are hopefully doing work that you are passionate about. Being self-employed is a great option for parents who need job flexibility and […]

How to Find an Independent Medicare Agent Near You

How to Find an Independent Medicare Agent Near You

Meet Our Medicare Health Insurance Professionals Medicare health insurance can be a daunting subject and task when initially faced with making the change in health insurance from a group health plan or an individual health plan. We are excited to announce the newest members of the Advanced Benefit Solutions team and expert Client Benefit Consultants, […]

The Three Most Important Things to Know About Medicare

Image of woman looking at text: The Three Most Important Things to Know About Medicare .

As you near retirement you may start to think about planning for your future. In addition to transitioning from a regular salary to income comprised of your savings, pensions, and investments, your healthcare options will transition from employer-sponsored or private coverage to Medicare. What is Medicare? Medicare is a federal social health insurance program for […]

Applying for 2024 Health Insurance: Your Guide to Open Enrollment

Yield sign displaying text "Open enrollment ahead"

Did you know that you do not have to go to HSA.gov to buy an individual plan if you are not covered under an employer-sponsored group health insurance plan? Advanced Benefit Solutions Can Help! Shopping plans, conducting research, and understanding the subtle differences between each plan can be a frustrating, time-consuming experience. When you work […]

Understanding the Family Glitch Fix with Options for Affordable Health Coverage

Understanding the Family Glitch Fix with Options for Affordable Health Coverage

Getting health insurance for your family or employees is a complicated undertaking. Understanding which laws apply to you and figuring out which plan is right for your company, your needs, or your family can require hours of analysis. In case it wasn’t complicated enough to navigate eligibility and enrollment requirements, the family glitch rule made […]

ABS Now Offering Individual Health Insurance Plans

Advanced Benefit Solutions Now Offering Individual Health Insurance Plans

You know Advanced Benefit Solutions as your small business insurance broker. We are continually looking for ways to serve the needs of our clients. That’s why we are excited to announce that we have added a team with specialized expertise in individual health insurance plans. Many times spouse or dependent coverage is not affordable through […]